Regardless, I bit the bullet, bought myself a tube and gave it a go. I was very pleasantly surprised! It was every bit as effective if not more so, and as many of those extra ingredients are plant aromatics, it has a pleasantly herbal scent. You can find the ingredient list here, by the way http://www.arbonnemarketing.com/PK/dl/pk/853_us_eng.pdf
Now, this is where the product became a big winner for me. Going back to MY sensitive skin, I was really suffering this summer with the whole bikini zone issue I'm sure many women are familiar with. I'm always on the search for the perfect razor, gel and balm combo that will keep me smooth and pain free. I really wasn't having much luck until I discoved two things...one is Schick Hydro razors and ABC Baby Cream. I use Aveeno sensitive shave gel or Edge Ultrasensitive, just in case anyone else is having the same issue and wonders what I am shaving with gel/cream wise. But finally, my pool trips are no longer embarassing and painful!
Another use for the cream that really knocked my socks off is as a rosacea treatment. I had actually heard this before and when my mom came to me asking if Arbonne carried anything that might help with the redness, I immediately gave her samples of the baby line. She saw definite improvements in the color and texture of her skin, and particularly likes using the wash and diaper cream. Who woulda thunk it, right?
As usual, its a thick product and a little bit goes a long way. Great product, multiple uses, Yay, Arbonne :-)
You can purchase your own tube here from my site, as well as all of Arbonne's other great products. Unconvinced? Contact me, and I'll be happy to give you a sample of the entire baby line, or you can feel free to go ahead and order it yourself with no obligation....Arbonne stands behind their products with a 45 day money back guarantee.
Check out my site to order this and other amazing products (or learn about my business!) www.sensationalskincare.myarbonne.com